Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Biking in heels

Every day (when Travis is working) I bike to work. I bike with my son to his school and then I bike to work, about 30 minutes total. And I do it in heels. No big deal. 
When I first starting to commute to work on a bike, I had two alternatives - bike in my regular clothes and heels or bike in sportsy clothes/jeans and change into something appropriate at work. I weighed my options and I decided to bike in my regular clothes, skirts and dresses and heels and all that. I can't imagine to carry my purse and my lunch bag and a bag full of clothes to change into while balancing on a bike through traffic. My town is not that big but the traffic gets pretty crazy sometimes.  
I have an adorable Huffy Nassau Cruiser with a front basked and a cup holder which I don't use since the first two times I tried I spilled coffee on my pants. Oops.  
But when I tested biking in heels, it was an instant success. My pedals lock right in between the platform and the heel and the platform actually gives me extra two inches I appreciate every time I have to stop at the lights. I found out that platforms are not comfy for biking so I will be sticking to platforms and stilettos.  
Shirt (Camaieu) // Patterned Cropped Pants (JCPenney, similar at Kohl's) //
Royal Blue Heels (old from Payless, similar and affordable from Paris Hilton HERE - and on sale!!) 
And this is my view :) Do you also bike to work? Share your experience below!

The European Redhead

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