Monday, July 14, 2014

It's red, it's chopped!

Fortunately, it's not mine. Kristen Stewart had been a redhead for a while now and even though she is sporting major roots (oops!), her new hair color looks lively and refreshing on her.
Doesn't she look like young Meg Ryan?
Same with Alyson Hannigan. She recently returned back to her natural red and chopped a couple of inches into this stylish bob.
I have been doing the opposite - growing my hair longer and longer. I would like to have long hair at least once in my life -  I always sported shorter cuts or an A-line in the past years. This is how long is my hair now:
I have a hair appointment a week from now and I'm going to get it styled and shaped a little. Can't wait! 
Have a great Monday!
The European Redhead

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