Friday, April 12, 2013

Guess who is a Redhead?

What do have Michelle Trachtenberg, Megan Fox, Rachel McAdams and Dianna Agron in common?

They are all redheads!

Hollywood leading red haired ladies such as Jessica Chastain or Christina Hendricks have not one, not two, but four new foxy friends with red tresses. And it all happened within the last week or so.

Is red color the official color of spring 2013?

April 2: Dianna Agron, my favorite gamer girl, is now a redhead! Little pale and little brown-ish for my taste, but any red is good! Can't wait to see more of her.

April 3: Photographers spotted Rachel McAdams in Disneyland - with red hair! Formerly blonde actress broke up with her boyfriend in February, so this may be a classic case of new hair after an old boyfriend. According to People magazine red was the only color left, when Rachel was deciding about changing colors, although no reason was given... Did you know that Rachel's mom is a redhead too?

I love the pink lipstick. Do you see her green eyes pop?

April 4: Megan Fox debuted her red hair exactly one day later, getting ready to play April in the Ninja Turtles movie. Her gorgeous hair framed her gorgeous face (yes, I do have a little girl crush on her. Who doesn't have a crush on Megan Fox anyways?) looked even better in a deep shade of red. Sadly, Megan did not show her new hair do anymore, so I am really curious how would she look all dolled up as a redhead with makeup and everything.

April 11: Last but not least, certainly there is more to come, Michelle Trachtenberg is a redhead too! I looooooove that her eyebrows match her hair, awesome job putting yourself together! I am really not a fan of bleached-blond-hair-bushy-black-eyebrows trend so to see some nice groomed and dyed eyebrows is a relief for me :)

Who is your favorite new redhead? And who do you think will follow?
PS: Pantone Spring 2013 colors are (among others) Poppy Red and Nectarine. Coincidence? I don't think so! 

The European Redhead 

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