Monday, December 30, 2013

The worst fashion advice a Redhead can get

I recently stumbled upon an article about Julianne Moore on about her fashion. Albeit she is a little older, I always liked Julianne red carpet looks, only because I feel like she is taking a challenge.
Boy was I mistaken.

Ms. Moore is following the worst fashion advice a Redhead can get. 

She said in an interview with Net-a-Porter's online magazine The Edit: ''I don't wear a lot of color because, having red hair, I carry a lot of color with me. I read a quote from an actress who said, 'Only wearing black is like not taking chances', and I was like, 'I guess I don't take chances then! I wear a lot of black!'
Red hair doesn't necessary mean no color at all. Red hair means you should be more careful when picking the right colors for you. Never wear black and black only and think that your red hair will make you stand out. Never wear black and think it's chic. And never wear black and forget about other colors because your hair is colorful enough. 
This picture of Julianne Moore is from the 2013 Golden Globes after party in January. Do you see the lines around her eyes, the thinning skin and dry lips? No, I am not trying to be mean. Just proving a point. 
And look at this one. Same actress, same month. And she looks 10 years younger! 
It's all about the color. Black mass of a high neckline of her first dress made her look older, tired, washed out. Radiant white with a deeper neckline exposing skin makes wonders for he appearance, no plastic surgeon required.
Don't be afraid of color, dear Redheads, no matter what your age is, and reach for that yellow or orange sweater you are just dying to wear. It will most definitely flatter you more than any black one.

The European Redhead

Saturday, December 28, 2013

What To Wear To A Job Interview

New Year brings new opportunities, new challenges and for some Redheads even new jobs! I had my last job interview in October (for a marketing job that I landed, of course) and I had the hardest time to decide what to wear. Should I be more polished and less colorful? Or more creative and less stiff? In the end, I created several possible interview outfits regarding the color of my hair and my curvy build. You can see what I actually wore to the job interview when you scroll down. 

Gorgeous royal blue blazer will make a nice contrast with bright red hair and orange skirt. Add neutral, possible gray top and sparkly accessories.  

Mixing patterns is allowed, especially when balanced by a polished mustard color cardi and structured bag. 

Plum color will look gorgeous on any redhead, bottled or natural. The extravagant ruffle shirt is balanced with serious work pants and even more serious bling. 

I would totally wear this for a job interview to a creative position. You can't go wrong with solid color pants and structured bag. Simply add a pattern on top and a little faux fur vest - you know, just for fun. 
And this is what I actually wore to my Marketing Manager job interview. I tried to emulate the first outfit, but instead of royal blue, I tried to stick with neutral grey. 

Happy job hunting in 2014, my fellow redheads!

The European Redhead

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

No spend December at Kohl's

I found the most delicious surprise in  my mailbox yesterday - a brand new $10 off coupon to Kohl's. This coupon is my favorite, because it has no minimum purchase requirement and almost no exceptions. I love to combine the coupon with a sale or clearance and get something for free. Because I may love shopping, but I love getting stuff for free more!
Here is an inspirational list of current items that are on sale and with this $10 off coupon they will be absolutely free, or cost close to nothing. Merry shopping!

Treat yourself

You know you deserve it... So treat yourself to something small, yet fabulous. Like THIS Bead Bib Necklac, on sale for $9.60 in Peach, Black and Aqua. The coupon will make it absolutely free!
You can also get yourself another gem, like THIS Bead Flower Necklace. It can be yours in Yellow, Black and White or Violet and also, you can bask yourself in the glory of guilt free shopping, because the coupon will make it free.

For Her

Let the gift giving begin! On a budget, but looking for something cozy for your bestie, your cousin o aunt? What about this preppy Plaid Scarf that is supposed to be softer than cashmere? Classically chic, this Croft & Barrow plaid scarf is a wardrobe staple - in six different colors truly for everyone. And of course, you won't have to pay for it.

Select all your presents in the name of comfort, such as these Comfy Slippers. They will wrap feet of your loved one in comfort and that's what matters for your older aunt or cousin living in the country.

For Him

Gift you loved one a pair of Funky Sweats with football print - or eggs and bacon, if he's a morning person. Nobody ever said no to a piece of lounge wear, and your boyfriend or husband won't be any different. Even you wallet will say YES, because these comfy sweats will cost you just a coupon. 

If you dad or uncle spends a lot of time outside, he will surely appreciate a 20 pack of Hand Warmers. It will keep warm and comfortable during your cold-weather activities. Price for this gift of warmth? It's free after a $10 off coupon.

Surprise your loved one with a Nice Fragrance, for example with this Adidas set. For little over $3 you can get three different Adidas fragrances and bury your nose in his neck just a tad bit more than usual...

The more coupons you can get, the more shopping you can get done for free or close to free. This is just a little example of deals and sales you can encounter in your individual local stores. So check out your mailboxes, head over to your local Kohl's and shop till you drop... all you coupons at the cash register.

The European Redhead

Monday, December 2, 2013

La petite Parisienne

I always wanted to get maroon/oxblood/dark red pants, because I simply love the versatility of red. Do you think you can only wear it one way, possibly with a black top? Oh no. There is so many different ways on how you can wear it! Like a petite Parisienne, for example. It's simple. Just add some French inspired accessories, be bold and daring! 
I got this grey blazer from Goodwill during one of their one dollar sales. I am not much of a blazer person, but I would not pass on a blazer that fits for a dollar! Even if I had to wear it only once. And fortunately, I wore it more than once.
Shirt: Forever 21
Pants: Burlington Coat Factory (random brand)
Blazer: Goodwill
Shoes: Macy's
Bracelets: Gifted
Scarf: Chanel
And since I don't know how to smile properly...

The European Redhead

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Party like a Redhead

It's time to sparkle and shine, glimmer and shimmer. It's time to take those sparkly dresses out of the closet, add a feather skirt and shimmery stilettos, because the holiday season it's officially here and you can shine bright like a diamond. But if you are a Redhead, you have another accessory to add to your holiday rotation that will help you shine - your beautiful red hair. So pick colors that will accentuate the redness of your mane and make your red hair your statement piece.


Redheads in purple are a classic combination. Pick a stylish dress and add simple black accessories, let your hair shine. Dress is from New Look (get it HERE) or similar from ModCloth HERE.

Royal Blue

Sparkle and shine! Sparkle and shine! The royal blue and golden combo is not for everyone, but I will guarantee you will get noticed. Mango has plenty of similar royal blue tops (for shy Redheads the color will also work with combination with jeans or black pants) HERE and HERE. For golden brocade pants head over to Macy's for THIS pair or if you feel like making an investment, try The Outnet. The biggest selection of affordable shoes is of course at GoJane, so try THESE embellished velvet beauties.

Emerald Green

Another great color for Redheads is of course green! Marking the opposite on the color wheel, all shades and hints of green will always complement red hair. To make it festive, dark, deep, emerald green will look simply stunning on every Redhead. You can wear green all year long, but there is something about the combination of green and red that says Christmas. THESE cap toe pumps will be great for a regular day in the office after the party season is over. For the gorgeous emerald green dress, try a silky Etsy number HERE or THIS strapless piece from ModCloth. Buy the clutch from H&M HERE.

Black & White

Basic black and white dress will get you a long way, especially in the holiday season. Forever 21 has an adorable one HERE and you can combine it in many different ways. So why not have fun with lime green accessories? Buy the watch from Target HERE. Or add red shoes and red bracelet, yellow, hot pink or any other color of your choice. Black and White is a great neutral background for every color of your choice.

The European Redhead

Friday, November 29, 2013

Redhead meets Santa Claus

Christmas season is officially here! Thanksgiving behind us, crazy Black Friday underway - this is the first step towards a shimmering Christmas tree, smell of hot chocolate and pine cones and the unforgettable magic of the most beautiful holiday of them all.
Sounds a little sappy? Yeah, I really love Christmas!

So what does a Redhead wear during the holiday season full of parties? Of course she does wear red! 
Amy Childs is no fading flower in her tomato red dress matching Santa's outfit. 
Amy's trademark red hair is looking gorgeous. 

The European Redhead

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Best Skirt

Sometimes you just see something amazing and you have to have it, no matter how wild or crazy it looks. Just like my skirt. It's colorful! It has houses! It has flowers!
And it was one dollar.
My local Goodwill is often organizing "dollar days", where everything is a dollar. Tops, bottoms, skirts, coats... And this amazing skirt was a part of the deal.
It's a little bigger than it should have, I imagine it's supposed to sit on my waist instead of my hips. But wouldn't you get it for a dollar?

Skirt: Thrifted
Shirt: H&M
Necklace: Charles Klein (from Burlington)
Shoes: Fioni from Payless

The European Redhead

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Like a pumpkin

I just bought a new orange dress at H&M, discounted from about $30 to mere $5. I couldn't leave it there even though it is obviously a summer dress. And I am not going to wait a year until I can wear it :) let me present you with my "like a pumpkin" fall look. 
Dress: H&M
Cardigan: C&A
Scarf: Walmart
Boots: ShoeCity
Earrings: Kohl's 

The European Redhead

Monday, October 28, 2013

Redhead Fall 2013 Color Report: Acai

I am very excited about Acai being named one of the Pantone Colors for the fall. Acai, as any other purple, is a great color for any redhead, natural ginger or a doll with dye. I absolutely love purple (I have a set of office supplies to match my obsession) and I feel like the royal color is a perfect match for every girl with flaming red hair.
Cintia Dicker is gorgeous in a light acai hat.
Love the purple and red hair combo!
Jessica Rabit? Check. Purple gloves? Check. Purple eyeshadow? Check!
Acai by Pantone is great to combine with other fashionable Pantone colors, such as Turbulence, Vivacious, or you can let Acai do the magic all by itself.

Dyed redheads, such as Christina Hendricks, look stunning in Acai. Both purple dresses are very flattering on her, even though I can talk about the frumpy cut for hours.

Jessica Chastain is usually pretty fierce with her color choices, and she simply looks glowing in Acai. 
The same goes for Amy Adams. Deep purple color is a great choice for formal wear, evening and cocktail dresses and little more formal pieces as well. It looks great shiny or matte, embellished or plain. You can't go wrong with the jewel inspired color (and yes, you can call Acai the jewel of nature).  
Want to bring some Acai into your fall wardrobe? Here you go! 
 Cap toe flats from Old Navy - only $20!
Rockstar Skinny Cords, also from Old Navy.
J.Crew has great cocktail dresses in Acai, they are little on the pricey side, but also very quality made and honestly, to die for. Arabelle is absolutely flattering on anyone, any size or shape. 
Mirabelle dress by J.Crew

Arabelle dress by J.Crew
Even Kate Spade knows that purple is great for redheads and has a gorgeous natural redheaded model posing in their light acai coat.
How much do you like to wear purple, my fellow redheads?
The European Redhead

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Turquoise Jeans, Brown Boots

I am known for absolutely overthinking my clothes and my new morning routine is a prime example of how I get dressed. I left my office job about two weeks ago and returned back to working from home. And since I am home full time (not meaning being home and doing nothing, just... being home and available) I am responsible for morning school drop off and afternoon school pick up. Me and my five year old jump on my bike and in fifteen minutes we are standing in front of his school. 
Follow me at Polyvore: withmyeyesopen
Biking, however, presents a fashion challenge, since it's super cold in the morning, hence the boots and sweater, plus I can't wear skirts. I am really not gravitating towards the same jeans every day, even though I admit it will be easier. I love to pre-plan my outfits, because I have plenty of colorful jeans and sweaters and of course, I don't want to look like a stereotypical stay-at-home-mom. Believe me, I see them in flocks every morning, in pajamas, slippers, yoga pants, leggings, hoodies, unwashed faces, uncombed hair, ill fitting skinny jeans... No, I may be a mom, but I am not one of them. (If you feel offended, good for you.) 
Jeans: Wet Seal ($4)
Sweater: Thrifted ($1)
Boots: Payless Shoesource
Bike: My beloved Huffy Nassau

What do you wear when you ride your bike?

XOXO, The European Redhead