Thursday, August 22, 2013

CDA San Francisco 2013

What to wear, what to wear?

When it comes to clothing, I must admit I am a little obsessive. Maybe more than just a little... As a part of my new PR job I traveled to San Francisco this past weekend to attend California Dental Association exhibition in the Moscone center. It was awesome! I had so much fun attending classes and looking at the many different products that help people smile... but that was all after I decided what to wear.
I live in a small Central Valley town when the temperatures are reaching mid nineties even in late August. San Francisco, on the other hand, is only ninety minutes away, but thirty degrees cooler. I decided I want to wear boots (probably my only chance to wear boots before October) and I had to plan my outfit around them.
I also wanted to be comfy, because I was taking BART and was supposed to arrive in SF before six in the morning, so I needed an outfit that I can go to Starbucks and lounge for couple of hours, but also look presentable at the classes. So no skirt. And because my office has a business casual dress code, I decided to join the casual Friday crowd and wear skinny jeans.

I layered green H&M shirt with JCPenney white sweater and teal scarf

Starbucks time!

I was doing my hair, makeup and charging my battery in Marriott Marquis.  

Moscone Center

Freebie time! I receive a ZOOM! home whitening kit. Now I  just need someone in my office to take my impressions :)

And another freebie! I seriously love my new toothbrush I got at this booth!

I must admit I got it right! The weather was totally as I expected and I was very pleased with my clothes. I saw several very overdressed ladies... and several very underdressed ladies... oops...

The European Redhead

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