Friday, July 26, 2013

And a Redhead brings new season

My favorite season is literally around the corner. FINALLY! How do I know that? Because the magazines feature dark, rustic and mysterious fall fashion campaigns!
I was never a fan of Nicole Kidman, but she totally nails it in the Fall 2013 Jimmy Choo ads. Messy red hair, crispy white blouse, oxblood and black accessories and of course sky high heels - what else can a redhead dream about?

I can totally smell the forest, rain and soft moss in the air, orange and red leaves cracking under the delicate heel of leather boots. I love fall and I love it for a reason. This ad campaign sums it up nicely. 

Well done, Nicole and Jimmy! Can't wait to find Jimmy Choo inspired pieces in thrift stores.

The European Redhead

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