Sunday, September 22, 2013

Black head to toe? No!

Bryce Dallas Howard is not a redhead anymore. The Help actress debuted her new hair do at the Thanks for Sharing premiere in LA and not only she got bangs and a long, collar bone length bob, she also changed her hair color! A stunning redhead is now a... less stunning, average brunette. I am sad for this loss.
On the other hand, Julianne Moore is now gracing a cover of InStyle magazine in a gorgeous green dress (actually, it is a Calvin Klein shirt) with some green and purple jewelry. 
Doesn't she look stunning in green? Much better than in black. Finally, we can start talking about redheads wearing black. Because Julianne recently went to yoga class wearing all black..
Very unflattering, if you ask me. The next day she added a little more color - what a change! The sun is still shining, but now her hair shines too. She looks much younger, lively and lovely than in all black attire. 
Same goes for Allyson Hannigan. Redheads should steer clear from black head to toe. Not even a flowery scarf will help. 
Do you see how she looks in pretty coral pink dress? So vibrant and lively! 

The European Redhead

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Julianne Moore is so gorgeous on that cover! I would kill to have that shade of red in my hair....
