Thursday, March 7, 2013

Trial and error with colors for Redheads

I used to dress exclusively in black. It was my color for many years, in stores I instinctively headed towards the black section and picked clothes in many different shades of black, if that’s even possible. I believed that black accentuates my red hair and my fair skin… when in fact I looked dead, washed out and paler than a Snow white. Black was not my friend, as I found out, and I desperately needed color.

But which one to choose?

I started to study the theory of colors. Their shades, meanings, combinations. Redheads generally look great in greens, blues and purples. And they should never wear pink. Or red.

Right? Wrong!

Jessica Rabbit looks stunning in her red sparkly dress and every time I see a redhead in blue, I cringe. It really depends on individual coloring to determine, which color suits one best. I have my preferences and I have a list of my enemies.
If you find your colors and you start using them correctly, your life will truly change. Your face will get brighter, your hair will get shinier and your confidence will rise. Did you ever try something on in the dressing room and you just felt like a whole new person? This is what color does to you.

Let’s go explore together.

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