Friday, March 1, 2013

Let's get started

I love clothes. I breathe clothes. I always pick my outfits days before I am actually going to wear them and I have spent many hours in my closet playing with my clothes, matching and combining them. I love fashion blogs and I always look at Pinterest, Polyvore or Lookbook for fashion inspiration. But there is something special about me that make it really hard to find some REAL fashion inspiration.

I am a REDHEAD. 

I dyed my hair red for the first time when I was 16 and I felt like I was finally a whole person, the person I was always meant to be, a Redhead. I am a decided redhead, doll with dye and I am proud to rock my bright red hair.
But I can’t wear all the colors I want. Because I am a decided Redhead, colors that suit best my coloring will just. not. do. with my red hair. So I am exploring, trying and picking the best shades. I look great in green, and I look horrible in beige. I love wearing black, but for some reason I look better in brown.
 I also can’t wear all the clothes I want. I may be curvy at all the right places, but that doesn't make it easy to wear crop tops, skinny jeans or shiny liquid-y fabrics. And all the fashion bloggers I would love to follow are skinny willowy girls with waist long ombre hair and penchant for bra tops, minuscule skirts and name brand platform shoes. All redheads are either pin up models with clothes that look gorgeous in the pictures, but not really usable for real life. And I’m struggling to find someone like me with bright red hair, but more Chanel-esque taste for fashion. 
I have been experimenting with fashion for redheads for almost 10 years. I am an European Redhead living in California and this is my take on fashion for redheads.
You are welcome.

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