Friday, May 2, 2014

California Weather

I love the California weather. I am from Central Europe and we usually don't get a nice, warm, summery weather until May. I remember many Junes I spent wearing long jeans and a thick jacket. California is different. I can count on shorts and tank tops in March and when I buy sandals, I know they will last me for the majority of the year - that's an investment, not boots I will wear just a handful of times. 

No white before Memorial Day? Puh-lease! White looks great when paired with vivid colors such as royal blue and hot pink. At the same time.  

I found this shirt at my Goodwill last weekend. I didn't really intended to shop, but that's the way it goes in thrift stores, if you don't get it, it's gone. Goodwill shirts are $3.25 and looking at the American Eagle website I saved about $40, similar shirts go around $44. Crazy!  

Thrifted American Eagle Shirt ($3.25, Goodwill) // Elle White Jeans (FREE, Kohl's) 
Nine West Bag ($25, Ross) // Hot Pink Bracelet ($5, H&M, similar HERE)
Royal Blue Shoes ($15, Payless, similar HERE)

The European Redhead


  1. I would pair other shoes with this outfit. Some white sneakers...but I know, you dont wear them. :D Respect for wearing white pants!
