Thursday, January 8, 2015

It's wedding time!

On Sunday we went to a wedding of our friends Megan and Darryl. It was at San Ramon Country Club and the day could not be more perfect. The ceremony started shortly after 4 and the light was simply gorgeous! A winter sun was ready to set down and the whole wedding party was basking in its golden glory. 

I wore a dress I originally bought for my University graduation. It comes from a small European chain called Terranova - I don't think anyone ever heard about them past Central Europe. My shoes are a whole different story. I had them for more than a year and this was the first time I wore them! I must admit, I was excited to add a pair of real Christian Louboutins into my closet, even though the story how I got them is a little... interesting. I helped someone, a neighbor, with something seemingly big for her. It was not a big deal to me, but she decided to thank me by giving me her pair of shoes. We were wearing the same size (what a coincidence!) and she basically dropped them in my lap and said: Here you go. You said you like them and I want you to have them. Ummm, thanks? I took them, who wouldn't, and it was a while before I dared to wear them. (If you are reading this, thanks again!)

Congratulations Megan and Darryl again, I am super happy we could be a part of your big day! 

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