Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March Redheads

The redhead army is getting stronger! We gained a couple of new dolls with dye, some more vibrant, some more ginger. And none of transformations is more surprising than Holly Madison ditching her signature bleached blond locks for fiery red. Her reason? According to Us Weekly, she "was tired of looking the same," and believe me, as a redhead, you will feel different every day. Yay! 
Another new redhead is Sienna Miller, if we are going to believe the Daily Mail. Sienna definitely changed her hair color, but it's more strawberry blond than red. But any ginger hue counts and we are happy to see her hair change. After all, sienna is a reddish brown color! 
Kate Bosworth is also a new redhead, taking the same way as Sienna - starting with gentle strawberry color for even more dramatic transformation for her upcoming movie Still Alice. 
I must say she looks gorgeous! I love the red on her A LOT more than her signature blond hair. 

But there is one famous redhead who lost all of her fiery glory...
For even more of it! Vivienne Westwood has shaved off her hair to support the fight against climate change. "Vivienne cut her hair as we must all wake up to climate change," said a spokesperson for the designer. "And secondly, she wanted to cut the red out for a while and have it white – to show that she's proud of her age." I wouldn't have the "balls" to do so, but Vivienne is famous for doing what she wants and doesn't she look fabulous while doing so?
Which new redhead is your favorite?

The European Redhead

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day, celebration of all things Irish and redheads all over the world! Even though we don't live in Ireland it seems like US is their home away from home. 
"Twenty-two million Americans -- 7.2% of the population -- say their "primary ancestry" is Irish, according to the Census's American Community Survey. Another 13.5 million Americans claim at least some Irish ancestry, bringing the total to 35.5 million Americans -- 11.6% of the population -- with at least partial Irish ancestry. If that sounds low, remember that Ireland's population today is just 6.4 million -- 4.6 million in the Republic of Ireland and 1.8 million in Northern Ireland. So there are more than five times as many Americans with at least partial Irish ancestry as there are people who live in Ireland," says Huffington Post
Why is Ireland probably the most red-headed nation, per capita, on Earth? Only 0.6% of the world’s population have red hair, compared with 2%-6% of Northwestern Europeans. For England, the estimate is 6%, but in Ireland about 10-13% have red hair, (that is 650,000 people). In Ireland it also appears that a staggering 46% are carriers of the red-head gene. And all the Irish-Americans are now living (and spreading their genes) all around me. 
On St. Patrick's Day everyone is Irish. Including this little cutie. 
So let's celebrate the beauty of Irish redheads with some snaps that are truly breathtaking and make you wish you were a redhead too (just in case you are not - yet). 
This is Clíodhna, Queen of the Banshees of the Tuatha Dé Danann. She is the potent banshee that rules as queen over the sheoques (fairy women of the hills) of South Munster. In some Irish myths Clíodhna is a Goddess of Love and Beauty. She left the otherworldly island of Tir Tairngire ("the land of promise") to be with her mortal lover, Ciabhán, but drowned in Glandore harbour. The tide there is still known as Tonn Chlíodhna, "Clíodhna's Wave".
Beautiful Irish redhead. 
Another gorgeous Irish redhead. 
Susan Patricia Loughnane is an Irish television and film actress and occasional model.
Today wear something green, kiss a ginger and have fun! And enjoy this redheaded hottie, even though he may been Scottish ;)
The European Redhead

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Casual Polka Dot Friday

I am getting better at pattern mixing, but can you mix two patterns that are basically the same?
Shirt: H&M // Jeans: Old Navy Rockstar {thrifted at Superior Thrift Store}
Flats: Walmart // Bracelets: Burlington // Belt: H&M {came with shorts}

The European Redhead