Sunday, April 19, 2015

#WipeForWater with Neutrogena

Living in the Central Valley, in the middle of drought-stricken California, I think about water almost every day. What if there will be no water for farmers? What if there will be no water for us? My town already implemented a strict watering schedule and it seems like there will be a strict showering schedule as well. Oh boy.

Enter Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Towels. I usually wash my face at night with a cleanser and if I'm lazy, I simply use wipes. But those that I'm using right now leave my face feeling yucky and I always have to rinse my face afterwards. So much for being lazy. And wasting water, of course. 

I decided to participate in the #WipeForWater challenge and pledged not to use water after wiping with Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Towels for three days to make a difference. I figured if they already used a substantial amount of water to make these wipes, the least I can do is not to use MORE water. 
I was pleasantly surprised that it got all the makeup out and it smelled heavenly. My face felt fresh and clean. I didn't feel the need to wash my face with water as I usually do when I wipe with a different product. The Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Towels are definitely my favorite makeup remover product right now and I am continue using them without washing my face every night. 

Thank you @Neutrogena and @Influenster for letting me participate in the #WipeForWater #contest. I received the complimentary pack of wipes to test and review.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

It's wedding time!

On Sunday we went to a wedding of our friends Megan and Darryl. It was at San Ramon Country Club and the day could not be more perfect. The ceremony started shortly after 4 and the light was simply gorgeous! A winter sun was ready to set down and the whole wedding party was basking in its golden glory. 

I wore a dress I originally bought for my University graduation. It comes from a small European chain called Terranova - I don't think anyone ever heard about them past Central Europe. My shoes are a whole different story. I had them for more than a year and this was the first time I wore them! I must admit, I was excited to add a pair of real Christian Louboutins into my closet, even though the story how I got them is a little... interesting. I helped someone, a neighbor, with something seemingly big for her. It was not a big deal to me, but she decided to thank me by giving me her pair of shoes. We were wearing the same size (what a coincidence!) and she basically dropped them in my lap and said: Here you go. You said you like them and I want you to have them. Ummm, thanks? I took them, who wouldn't, and it was a while before I dared to wear them. (If you are reading this, thanks again!)

Congratulations Megan and Darryl again, I am super happy we could be a part of your big day! 

Shop my look: 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Simplify your life: Your closet

2015 is almost here and I would like to start the new year a little differently. In the past two months I felt rushed, pressured, overwhelmed and dissatisfied by my everyday life. It was a paradox feeling, I was being overwhelmed by events and activities, yet empty and unhappy. I realized I need to change something and I decided to simplify my life. I believe with a clean and organized home comes a clean and organized life and to simplify my home, simplify my closet, my meal and financial planning and my free time I will feel more content and happy with my life. So I started with the most logical place, my closet. And let me tell you I already feel much better.
I separated my clothes into two categories, hanging and folded. Hanging clothes are all cardigans, pants, blouses and dresses. Folded are all tank tops, sweaters, scarves and jeans. I have four shelves in my walk in closet, so I organized my clothes by the way I will put them on in the morning. Tank tops on top, sweaters in the middle and pants on the bottom. In the morning, I will simply pick a blouse, sweater, necklace and pants and voila! Easy-peasy outfit. I generally don't wear skirts and dresses much as I bike to work so I put them to the end of the closet not to distract me in the morning. I used to have them with my other clothes in the front and let me tell you, they were very distracting! 
I am a very visual person and love to organize things by color. Blouses are my go-to basics so they deserve to hang at the very front of my closet. I organized them by color so it's easier to see what I have and what should I wear. 

Here is how my closet looks like after simplifying it. Winter clothes are in the front, with blouses, sweaters and pants, while summer clothes rest in the back. I am not tempted to grab a summer dress and "make it work" with dark tights and boots, I am not distracted by the bright summer colors that would feel out of place in the end of December, and my closet looks less cluttered and more organized. When spring comes I will simply swap sides!
Last but not least, here is my jewelry. I use two organizers, an actual jewelry tree for my necklaces and a wine rack for my bracelets. They are nested on my very top shelf even though those are the accessories I pick the last... but if they were at the bottom, my cat would have a feast on my baubles! 

Here are some tips on how to simplify your closet: 

TIP 1: Separate your clothes into two piles, for folding and for hanging. Chances are, you are more likely to wear something that is not wrinkled and creased, so simplify your life with this easy first step.

TIP 2: Evaluate what you wear on everyday basis and what is for special occasions only. Move the items you wear a lot to the front of the closet and whatever you don't wear as much (sweaters in Florida, shorts in Anchorage) to the back of your closet so they won't distract you when making a decision what to wear.  

TIP 3: Divide your wardrobe into two sections, weather appropriate and not weather appropriate. Stick the not weather appropriate items in the back, again, to simplify your choice in the morning, and swap when the seasons change. 

TIP 4: Organize your clothes by color. Not only it makes it easier to pick from in the morning, it also lets you know what color you prefer and what color is lacking in your closet. 

What are your tips on organizing your closet? Let me know in comments below!